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Apprenticeships, we believe, are the ideal way to develop your skills and gain a qualification through work-based learning.

Aimed at school or college leavers who think they know what career or industry they would like to work in, they create an opportunity to ‘earn while you learn’.

Apprenticeships include an industry-relevant professional qualification and take between one and four years to complete through a combination of work-based assessment visits, professional discussions, workshops, reviews and online/face-to-face sessions.

There are 3 Accountancy Apprenticeship standards that HTFT deliver, which are:

Level 3
Assistant Accountant Apprenticeship v1.2

This standard is the equivalent of Level 3  and has a typical duration of 15 to 18 months.
By clicking on the links below you can access a range of documents relating to the Assistant Accountant Apprenticeship Standard:

Level 4
Professional Accounting - Tax Technician Apprenticeship

This standard is the equivalent of Level 4 and has a typical duration of 18 to 24 months
By clicking on the links below you can access a range of documents relating to the Professional Accounting – Tax Technician Apprenticeship Standard:

Level 7
Accountancy Professional Apprenticeship

This standard is the equivalent of Level 7 and has a typical duration of 36 months
By clicking on the links below you can access a range of documents relating to the Accountancy Professional Apprenticeship Standard:

Whichever Accountancy Apprenticeship you decide, you will have to complete an end-point assessment, managed and assessed by an approved Apprentice Assessment Organisation.

We have provided details below (for each standard) of the Apprentice Assessment Organisations:

Level 3
Assistant Accountant Apprenticeship

Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)

Level 4
Professional Accounting - Tax Technician Apprenticeship

Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)
Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA)
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

Level 7
Accountancy Professional Apprenticeship

Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA)
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

We are working with our clients to help them design, develop and jointly deliver forward thinking Apprenticeship programmes, and some of them are looking for talented individuals to join their teams.  

We advertise the vacancies that we are supporting our clients to fill on this webpage, on the Find an Apprenticeship website, Indeed and on GetMyFirstJobs 

Accounting tree
Apps Logo Slider

If you are an employer seeking information about apprenticeships, including the Apprenticeship Levy, eligibility and how to get started, please click the link below:

HTFT Partnership Limited, a professional finance and accountancy training provider, is delighted to announce that it has been rated as ‘Good’ following our first full Osted inspection in October 2021.

You can view our report by clicking on the logo below.

We have created a document for each of the current Accountancy Apprenticeship Standards – covering occupational competence; knowledge, skills and behaviours; end point assessment and other key considerations.

These documents are below:

To apply for any of the apprenticeship vacancies please send your CV and covering email to [email protected]