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“Thank-you to HTFT for getting me through my exams to become fully qualified and making my period studying a lot less stressful than what it should have been!

Natasha Orr

AAT - AAT Qualifications and courses

AAT accounting qualifications

AAT accounting qualifications are highly valued by employers. Many students start at Level 2 to qualify for entry-level accounting roles, but you can start at Level 3 if you have relevant skills and experience. These qualifications also give you the opportunity to progress to chartered study or become an AAT Licensed Accountant.

For more information on our courses please click on the links below:

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AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting

The purpose of the AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting is to offer grounding in the core accounting knowledge and skills needed to progress either to employment or to further study. This qualification is suitable for young people who have just left school as well as for adults returning to work after a break or for anyone wishing to change career.

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AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting

The purpose of the AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting is to provide students with the specialist knowledge and skills required for progressing either to employment in an accounting or finance role, or to enable progression to further education. This qualification offers technical training in accounting and is ideal for anyone wishing to pursue a career in accountancy and finance. By studying for this qualification students will acquire lifelong professional accountancy and finance skills.

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AAT Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting

The purpose of the AAT Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting is to enhance the skills developed from the AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting qualification, enabling students to maximise opportunities in their current or new employment. By studying for this qualification students will acquire lifelong professional accountancy and finance skills.

AAT bookkeeping qualifications

AAT short bookkeeping qualifications offer an excellent introduction into the world of finance and take from six weeks to six months to complete. They prepare you for a huge range of bookkeeping roles and are respected by employers worldwide. You can also progress to become an AAT Licensed Bookkeeper.

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AAT Level 2 Certificate in Bookkeeping

The purpose of the Level 2 Certificate in Bookkeeping is to ensure students have the solid bookkeeping skills necessary for most finance roles. Students will develop practical accountancy skills in the double-entry bookkeeping system and in using associated documents and processes, as well as dealing with VAT and trail balances while developing their understanding of the relationship between various accounting records.

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AAT Level 3 Certificate in Bookkeeping

The purpose of the Level 3 Certificate in Bookkeeping is to provide advanced bookkeeping skills to work in a bookkeeping role or progress to higher level accountancy roles. Students will develop Practical accounting skills in advanced bookkeeping, preparing financial statements, the documents and reports produced on payroll and the preparation of VAT returns. Upon successful completion you can apply to become an AAT Licensed Bookkeeper.

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