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“Thank-you to HTFT for getting me through my exams to become fully qualified and making my period studying a lot less stressful than what it should have been!

Natasha Orr

AAT Qualifications and courses - AAT Level 2 Certificate in Bookkeeping

The purpose of the AAT Level 2 Certificate in Bookkeeping is to ensure students have the solid bookkeeping skills necessary for most finance roles. Students will develop practical accountancy skills in the double-entry bookkeeping system and in using associated documents and processes, as well as dealing with VAT and trial balances while developing their understanding of the relationship between various accounting records.

The AAT Level 2 Certificate in Bookkeeping is made up of two modules in bookkeeping and controls:

This unit introduces students to the double-entry bookkeeping system and the associated documents and processes. Students will have learnt all stages necessary to process transactions using both manual and digital systems.

This unit builds on the knowledge and skills acquired from studying Introduction to Bookkeeping and explores control accounts, journals, and reconciliations. It takes students through a number of processes used in bookkeeping that help verify and validate the entries made. Students will also understand the use of the journal to the stage of redrafting the trial balance, following initial adjustments.

Specifically for the AAT Level 2 Certificate in Bookkeeping we have a live and on-demand offering:

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Our delivery model for AAT is based on the flipped classroom methodology.

That is, we provide you with a series of pre-recorded AAT Topic related bite size videos which go through, explain and illustrate the syllabus being examined. After each Topic there is a Checkpoint (online assessment with instant results) to test what you have just learnt, allowing you to track your learning, analyse your performance and identify any areas you need to revisit.

We ask you to watch these Topic recordings and complete the Checkpoints before you engage with our recorded Masterclass content (videos focusing on application of knowledge) that are integrated into your overall schedule of work.

In addition to all of the HTFT Partnership created content and resources, we send out the AAT approved Study Text, Exam Kit and Pocket Notes – which you can use as additional study resources.


Our live course means you follow a set timetable and attend online sessions. We expect you to work through the relevant Topic recordings and Checkpoints in preparation for these Masterclasses. The timetabled live Masterclasses (timetables on the right hand side) is time with your dedicated tutor focusing on an application of knowledge and question practice, rather than re-teaching you content you will have developed by watching the pre-recorded videos. 


Our on-demand course means you can access content anywhere and at any time. You drive the pace of your learning, completing the content in a timeframe that works for you. 

You will have access to our on-demand resources for 6 months from date of enrolment. 

With HTFT on-demand you get immediate access to pre-recorded Topic videos covering syllabus content, in addition to be provided with the recordings of any live Masterclasses that take place 24 hours after the live timetabled dates.

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