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“Thank-you to HTFT for getting me through my exams to become fully qualified and making my period studying a lot less stressful than what it should have been!

Natasha Orr


Please click on the papers you would like to find out more information on.

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ACCA Applied Knowledge

The ACCA Applied Knowledge level (papers BT, MA and FA) are made up of three papers and introduces you to the core areas of financial and management accounting as well as general business principles and theories.

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ACCA Applied Skills

The ACCA Applied Skills level (papers Corporate and Business Law through Financial Management) are made up of 6 papers and continues your introduction to the core areas of financial and management accounting as well as general business principles and theories.

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ACCA Strategic Professional Essentials

The Strategic Professional level is divided into Essentials and Options.

All of the modules/exams at Strategic Professional level have been set at the same ability level as a Masters degree. The ACCA Strategic Professional Essentials modules (Strategic Business Leader and Strategic Business Reporting) explore advanced professional skills, techniques and values that you will require to act as an expert accountant in an advisory or consultancy role at senior level.

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ACCA Strategic Professional Options

At the ACCA Strategic Professional Options level you choose two papers/exams from four, allowing you to specialise according to your chosen career path.

The Strategic Professional Options papers/exams (AFM, APM, ATX and AAA) build on the technical knowledge you will already have. It will also explore more advanced professional skills, techniques and values. These are required at a senior level by accountants working in an advisory or consultancy role.

ACCA contact information:

If you need to contact the ACCA please use the form on this link

There is a lot of useful information on the student section of the ACCA website too at

There is also a ‘help and support’ page with a lot of FAQ’s at