CIMA Pass Guarantee
CIMA students – Pass Guarantee (HTFT live Objective Test courses)
Our pass guarantee provides insurance that in the event you sit the exam and fail you will keep access to all resources via a transfer to the on-demand course and receive a bespoke support plan into your resit, potentially including additional resources at no cost.
To maintain your CIMA Pass Guarantee with HTFT Partnership, the following conditions must be complied with and met:
General requirements
- The course must have been paid for in full before the exam is sat
- You must book the exam by the date advised by HTFT on the timetable in the HTFT suggested exam window on your course timetable
Rogo suite practice requirements
Your HTFT Rogo suite of exam-style practice assessments must be completed before or on the timetabled deadline date on your course timetable:
- * All Checkpoint tests need to be passed (70%)
- * Midpoint taken open book and untimed needs to be passed (70%)
- * Proficiency 1 taken open book and timed needs to be passed (70%)
- * Proficiency 2 taken closed book and timed needs to be passed (70%)
*A redo is expected if you fail to deliver the required 70% standard. Your pass guarantee will be maintained if you complete a redo (where required, and not within 5 days of your first attempt) and achieve a pass (70%). This is to be achieved before the exam is taken.
- The course must have been paid for in full before the exam is sat
- You must book the exam for a date that suits you, but the date booked must be provided to the HTFT CIMA progression lead within 30 days of booking the course. (Note CIMA have a 48-hour rule so you can change this date and maintain your pass guarantee as long as you keep HTFT CIMA progression informed).
CIMA students – Pass Guarantee (HTFT on-demand Objective Test courses)
Your HTFT On-demand resources last for 6 months. Our pass guarantee provides insurance that in the event you sit the exam within that 6-month period and fail, you will keep access to all resources until you pass your resit (or a further 6 months, whichever comes first). You will receive a bespoke support plan into your resit, potentially including additional resources at no cost.
To maintain your CIMA Pass Guarantee with HTFT Partnership, the following conditions must be complied with and met:
General requirements
Rogo suite practice requirements
- Your HTFT Rogo suite of exam-style practice assessments must be completed before you sit the exam:
- All Checkpoint tests need to be passed* (70%)
- Midpoint taken open book and untimed needs to be passed* (70%)
- Proficiency 1 taken open book and timed needs to be passed* (70%)
- Proficiency 2 taken closed book and timed needs to be passed* (70%)
*A redo is expected if you fail to deliver the required 70% standard. Your pass guarantee will be maintained if you complete a redo (where required, and not within 5 days of your first attempt) and achieve a pass (70%). This is to be achieved before the exam is taken.
CIMA students – Pass Guarantee (HTFT Case Study courses)
Our Pass Guarantee comes with a live and on-demand booking only.
Our pass guarantee provides insurance that in the event you sit the exam and fail you will keep access to all resources via a transfer to the next exam window course and receive a bespoke support plan into your resit.
To maintain your CIMA Pass Guarantee with HTFT Partnership, the following conditions must be complied with and met:
General requirements:
- The course must have been paid for in full before the exam is sat
- You must book the exam by the date advised by HTFT on the timetable in the HTFT suggested exam window on your course timetable
- You must attempt the real CIMA Case Study exam in the exam window
Online Testing Platform (Rogo) requirements:
Your HTFT Rogo suite of exam-style practice assessments must be completed before or on the timetabled deadline date on your course timetable.
HTFT require submission of 6 Section Tests (1/4 of a case exam for OCS and MCS and 1/3 of a case exam for SCS) and 3 full mocks:
- ** Section Tests 1 and 2: pass mark 60% (open book and untimed)
- ** Section Tests 3, 4, 5 and 6: pass mark 60% (exam conditions - closed book, timed)
- ** Mock 1: pass mark – 60% (exam conditions – closed book, timed)
- ** Mock 2: pass mark – 60% (exam conditions – closed book, timed)
- ** Mock 3: pass mark – 60% (exam conditions – closed book, timed)
**A redo is expected on all Section Tests and Mocks where you haven’t achieved the ‘pass’ standard. This may be a full redo, or a specific Section of a Mock – depending on your initial score. Your Pass Guarantee will be maintained if you complete a redo (where required) and achieve a pass (60%).
Redo marking will not repeat comments made on the first mark so please address every point your initial marker has made.
Third redo’s will be available for self-marking only and does not count to your Pass Guarantee.
Claiming your pass guarantee
If you unfortunately fail your case study with a pass guarantee you have 48 hours to let HTFT know and invoke your pass guarantee.
Fails in a February/August window
You will be transferred to the next available equivalent course. Pass Guarantees must be used for the sitting immediately following the fail. This will be a new pre seen so a new Rogo suite will be allocated to you which you must complete as if you were a first-time sitter if you wish to keep your pass guarantee for your resit attempt.
Fails in a May/November window
You will be transferred to the next available equivalent course. Pass Guarantees must be used for the sitting immediately following the fail. As this will not be a new pre seen a new resit Rogo suite will be allocated to you which you must complete in addition to any of the original Rogo suite as agreed with HTFT, if you wish to keep your pass guarantee for your resit attempt.