ACCA - Applied Skills
The ACCA Applied Skills level (papers Corporate and Business Law through Financial Management) are made up of 6 papers and continues your introduction to the core areas of financial and management accounting as well as general business principles and theories. These papers are assessed by computer based exams in March, June, September and December. Corporate and Business Law (LW) is a two hour exam, available as an on-demand Computer Based Exam.
HTFT recommends leaving Financial Reporting (FR) or Taxation (TX) to the end, as they are the assumed knowledge for Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) and Advanced Taxation (ATX) respectively.
To develop knowledge and skills in the understanding of the general legal framework, and of specific legal areas relating to business, recognising the need to seek further specialist legal advice where necessary.
To develop knowledge and skills in the application of management accounting techniques to quantitative and qualitative information for planning, decision-making, performance evaluation and control.
To develop knowledge and skills relating to the tax system as applicable to individuals, single companies, and groups of companies.
To develop knowledge and skills in understanding and applying accounting standards and the theoretical framework in the preparation of financial statements of entities, including groups, and how to analyse and interpret those financial statements.
To develop knowledge and skills in the process of carrying out the assurance engagement and its application in the context of the professional regulatory framework.
To develop knowledge and skills expected of a financial manager – relating to issues affecting investment, financing, and dividend policy decisions.
We offer two distinctive packages for the ACCA Applied Skills modules:
– HTFT live
– HTFT on-demand
We look to harness the power of the internet, and the multi device world, to create innovative content and delivery models that reflect how people learn and puts learning and mastering first.
With HTFT live, you get all the pre-recorded videos that accompany a paper along with personal invites to the live online sessions.
With HTFT on-demand you get immediate access to pre-recorded videos covering syllabus content in addition to be provided with the recordings of any live Masterclasses or sessions that take place.

Pass Guarantee
Any student booking a live or an on-demand course is eligible for a pass guarantee.
A student who meets the pass guarantee conditions, but who is then unsuccessful in the Dec 2024 exam can join the full course into either of the next two exam windows (March 2025 or Dec 2025). The student can choose which exam window (under advice from HTFT).
To maintain your Pass Guarantee with HTFT the following criteria must be complied with:
- Submission of all Checkpoints, the Midpoint mock, and Proficiency 1 and 2
- All Checkpoints, the Midpoint mock, and Proficiency 1 and 2 must be submitted on or before the timetabled date
- All Checkpoints will be open book and untimed
- * All Checkpoints completed to a pass standard (50%)
- ** Midpoint mock: pass mark 50% (open book, not timed)
- ** Proficiency 1: pass mark 40% (open book, timed)
- *** Proficiency 2: pass mark 40% (closed book, timed)
* A redo is expected on all Checkpoints where you haven’t achieved the ‘pass’ standard. Your pass guarantee will be maintained if you complete a redo (where required) and achieve a pass (50%).
** One redo is expected on the Midpoint mock and Proficiency 1 where you haven’t achieved the ‘pass’ standard. This may be a full redo, or a redo of a specific section of the Midpoint mock or Proficiency 1 – depending on your initial score. Your pass guarantee will be maintained if you complete a redo (where required) and achieve a pass. Please note that we will only allow, and mark, one redo for both the Midpoint mock and Proficiency 1.
*** No redo will be allowed for Proficiency 2! You must achieve a pass mark of 40% on the first attempt at Proficiency 2!
Other requirements to maintain the pass guarantee:
- Attempting the real exam in the agreed window
- Paying in full for the entire course before the exam is sat