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HTFT Partnership's September Newsletter

HTFT Partnership's September newsletter - covering Study Tip 3 and changes to CIMA's exemption policy
Hi everyone, and we hope you all had an enjoyable and productive September. Here is the link to our September newsletter that includes Study Top 3 and changes to CIMA's…

Setting goals

Setting goals - Paying attention to how we set our goals makes us more like to achieve them and achieving them makes us feel good about ourselves and our lives.
Setting goals (guest blog written by Dr Philip Lloyd-Williams)   A few years ago there was a longitudinal study of people who succeed. It was very revealing as the research…

You shouldn’t be afraid of failure

Failure can be your best teacher. Henry Ford once said “the only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing” and I completely agree with him. You shouldn’t be afraid of failure, you should embrace it. Failure refocuses what you are doing ensur…
Failure is a word that strikes fear into people. We have been brought up thinking that “failure is not an option” (attributed to former NASA Flight Director Gene Krantz who…